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Vietnam Memorial Wall and Stone

The Vietnam Veterans Wall Memorial offers Families and Veterans a place to visit and offers to have
a memento rubbing of the Veteran’s name on the Wall.

Vietnam Memorial Stone

A mother who held the Vietnam Memorial Stone said,
“Now I can bring him home with me.”

Our Vietnam Memorial Stone is a permanent part of the “Traveling Wall”.  Everyone who touches it, all across the USA, says that it is beautiful and heart touching.

Contact Us For Pricing

The Vietnam Memorial Stone is 12″ long, 3″ high, 1″ wide, and weighs five pounds.
The Vietnam Service Stone is also offered to all living Veterans who fought in the Vietnam War and wish to honor and memorialize their own service with their name and dates of service engraved on the “Stone”.

This “Stone” is made of the exact same black granite from Bangalore, India as the Wall, with the Veteran’s name engraved in the same font. Families, Friends and fellow Veterans can now bring the engraved name home where it can be treasured. It is a lasting memento that they can touch and be proud to display with love and respect, and for the Veteran to be eternally remembered.

The Vietnam Service Stone is now available for all living veterans of the Vietnam War, to honor their own service.  The Vietnam Service Stone will have the name and dates of service in Vietnam engraved on it.


Everyone who sees this Vietnam Memorial Stone is very moved; when they touch it they recognize the loss and pride within a generation.  Maya Lin, the designer of The Vietnam Memorial Wall, gave her enthusiasm for this project.

“With love and respect for those who served.”

“I can no longer
See you with my eyes
Touch you with my hands
But I will feel you in my heart

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