Military Caskets Accessibility Statement

Military Caskets is committed to facilitating the accessibility and usability of its website,, for everyone. Military Caskets aims to comply with all applicable standards, including the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 up to Level AA (WCAG 2.0 AA). Military Caskets is proud of the efforts that we have completed and that are in-progress to ensure that our website is accessible to everyone.

If you experience any difficulty in accessing any part of this website, please feel free to call us at 415-300-7505 or email us at and we will work with you to provide the information or service you seek through an alternate communication method that is accessible for you consistent with applicable law (for example, through telephone support).




Member Portrait

A hand-painted portrait of your beloved Veteran is included with the Class A, B, or C Casket at no extra charge.

A prominent Portrait Artist donates her exceptional talent for a 22” x 19” portrait of the deceased Veteran.  This is her way of gifting the Veteran’s family by giving her talent, respect and love.  With your permission, we will give the artist your telephone number to speak with you directly.

Contact us at 415-300-7505

This offer is for families who purchase a Military Casket only. Below are examples of these portraits, which are from actual photographs of the Veteran submitted by their Family and painted with their permission.

Member Portrait
Member portrait sample - Caudle
Member Portrait
Member Portrait
Member portrait example - Swarthworth
Member Portrait
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